为了使用heapy,你需要用命令pip install guppy安装guppy包。
例2-12 用heapy查看代码运行时对象数量的变化
def calc_pure_python(draw_output, desired_width, max_iterations):
while xcoord < x2:
xcoord += x_step
from guppy import hpy; hp = hpy()
print "heapy after creating y and x lists of floats"
h = hp.heap()
print h
zs = []
cs = []
for ycoord in y:
for xcoord in x:
zs.append(complex(xcoord, ycoord))
cs.append(complex(c_real, c_imag))
print "heapy after creating zs and cs using complex numbers"
h = hp.heap()
print h
print "Length of x:", len(x)
print "Total elements:", len(zs)
start_time = time.time()
output = calculate_z_serial_purepython(max_iterations, zs, cs)
end_time = time.time()
secs = end_time - start_time
print calculate_z_serial_purepython.func_name + " took", secs, "seconds"
print "heapy after calling calculate_z_serial_purepython"
h = hp.heap()
print h
例2-13 heapy输出显示了我们代码执行时每一个主要阶段的对象总数
$ python julia1_guppy.py
heapy after creating y and x lists of floats
Partition of a set of 27293 objects. Total size = 3416032 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 10960 40 1050376 31 1050376 31 str
1 5768 21 465016 14 1515392 44 tuple
2 199 1 210856 6 1726248 51 dict of type
3 72 0 206784 6 1933032 57 dict of module
4 1592 6 203776 6 2136808 63 types.CodeType
5 313 1 201304 6 2338112 68 dict (no owner)
6 1557 6 186840 5 2524952 74 function
7 199 1 177008 5 2701960 79 type
8 124 0 135328 4 2837288 83 dict of class
9 1045 4 83600 2 2920888 86 __builtin__.wrapper_descriptor
<91 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
heapy after creating zs and cs using complex numbers
Partition of a set of 2027301 objects. Total size = 83671256 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 2000000 99 6400000 76 64000000 76 complex
1 185 0 16295368 19 80295368 96 list
2 10962 1 1050504 1 81345872 97 str
3 5767 0 464952 1 81810824 98 tuple
4 199 0 210856 0 82021680 98 dict of type
5 72 0 206784 0 82228464 98 dict of module
6 1592 0 203776 0 82432240 99 types.CodeType
7 319 0 202984 0 82635224 99 dict (no owner)
8 1556 0 186720 0 82821944 99 function
9 199 0 177008 0 82998952 99 type
<92 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
Length of x: 1000
Total elements: 1000000
calculate_z_serial_purepython took 13.2436609268 seconds
heapy after calling calculate_z_serial_purepython
Partition of a set of 2127696 objects. Total size = 94207376 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 2000000 94 64000000 68 64000000 68 complex
1 186 0 24421904 26 88421904 94 list
2 100965 5 2423160 3 90845064 96 int
3 10962 1 1050504 1 91895568 98 str
4 5767 0 464952 0 92360520 98 tuple
5 199 0 210856 0 92571376 98 dict of type
6 72 0 206784 0 92778160 98 dict of module
7 1592 0 203776 0 92981936 99 types.CodeType
8 319 0 202984 0 93184920 99 dict (no owner)
9 1556 0 186720 0 93371640 99 function
<92 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
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