

In addition to the illustrations/explanation below, Ben Ainscough (a member of our lab) has created a python tool to convert between zero and one based coordinate systems here: https://github.com/griffithlab/convert_zero_one_based

一 0-based和1-based的区别

  • 1-based coordinate system
    Numbers nucleotides directly
  • 0-based coordinate system
    Numbers between nucleotides

二 0-based和1-based都有哪些应用

Ensembl uses 1-based coordinate system UCSC uses 0-based coordinate system

1-based (GFF, SAM, VCF,BLAST))
0-based (BED, BAM,)

三 0-based和1-based的转换

0-based coordinates to 1-based

if (type=SNV){start=start+1; end=end;}
if (type=DEL){start=start+1; end=end;}
if (type=INS){start=start; end=end+1;}

1-based coordinates to 0-based

if (type=SNV){start=start-1; end=end;}
if (type=DEL){start=start-1; end=end;}
if (type=INS){start=start; end=end-1;}


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