【6.2.2】诱导契合模型(The induced fit model)


由Daniel Koshland于1958年提出(Proposed by Daniel Koshland in 1958)

  1. 只有正确的底物能够诱导酶活性中心合适的排列,进而催化反应(Only the proper substrate is capable of inducing the proper alignment of the active site that will enable the enzyme to perform its catalytic function)
  2. 先诱导,后契合(Induced first, fit second)
  3. 诱导是双向的,酶和底物都需要调整自己,以更好地结合在一起(The Induction is mutual so both enzyme and substrate must adjust to one another)


  • 南京大学 杨荣武老师 《结构生物学》课件
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